Breastfeeding or nursing is the process of feeding the baby from the mother breasts’ milk. This process can be done either directly from the breasts or through pumping the milk and then feeding the baby with a bottle. The World Health Organization ‘WHO’ highly recommends that moms should start breastfeeding their babies from birth. They can stay nursing them months and months as long as the baby is still asking for. As for the newborns, they asks for breastfeeding very often which is usually every 2-3 hours. However, every breastfeeding session can last between 20 to 30 min. In addition, sometimes moms might experience ‘cluster feeding’ which is breastfeeding more frequently. This usually happens with some newborn babies at the beginning of the nursing process. As the baby gets older, he will start breastfeeding less often. Thus, working moms will be able to pump their milk and store it when their maternity period ends. Breastfeeding might sound hectic especially for working...